Can On Cloud Shoes Be Washed in Washing Machine?

The Journey Begins

Cloud shoes have taken the athletic footwear world by storm with their innovative design, unmatched comfort, and cutting-edge technology. These Swiss-engineered sneakers are renowned for their cloud-like cushioning and sleek aesthetic, making them a favorite among runners, walkers, and urban explorers. 

Be that as it may, similar to any appreciated shoes, they will undoubtedly amass soil, stains, and smells over the long haul. This raises the question: Can you throw your favorite On Cloud shoes in the washing machine for a thorough cleaning without compromising their functionality or longevity?

This article explores the fascinating world of shoes on the cloud and whether the washing machine is a suitable cleaning solution. We’ll examine the materials used in their construction, discuss manufacturer-recommended cleaning methods, and provide step-by-step instructions for cleaning your OnCloud shoes. 

In the end, you’ll better understand whether your preferred pair can endure a cycle in the washing machine or if you should explore different cleaning approaches. So, let’s dive in and discover the best way to keep your On Cloud shoes looking and feeling like new.

Can On Cloud Shoes Be Washed in  Washing Machine

Can You Wash On Cloud Shoes in the washing machine?

You can wash On Cloud shoes in the washing machine. However, there are a few things you need to do to make sure they don’t get damaged. Remove the laces and insoles. This will assist with keeping the bands from getting tangled and the insoles from contracting. Place your shoes in a laundry bag. This will help to protect them from being jostled around too much in the washing machine. Use a delicate cycle and cold water. Avoid hard detergents or fabric softeners, as these can damage the shoes. Once the washing cycle is complete, please remove your shoes from the washing machine and air dry them. In addition, please do not put them in the dryer, as the heat can damage the materials.

Here are some additional tips for washing On Cloud shoes:

  • You should pretreat your shoes with a soap and water solution if your shoes are dirty. Moreover, utilize a toothbrush to clean away any dirt or grime.
  • Therefore, If you have any reflective details on your shoes, be careful not to scrub them too hard, as this could damage the reflective coating.
  • If your shoes feature leather or suede accents, do hand wash instead of the washing machine.
  • Once your shoes are clean, apply a shoe protector spray to help keep them looking and performing their best.

How to Wash On Cloud Shoes in a Washing Machine?

Cloud shoes are known for their comfort and durability. Still, they can get dirty after a while, especially if you wear them often. If you’re wondering how to wash your On Cloud shoes in a washing machine, here’s a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Remove the insoles and laces. This will assist the shoes with getting cleaner and keep the bands from getting tangled in the clothes washer.

Step 2: Pretreat any stubborn stains. If your shoes have stubborn stains, you can opt to pretreat them using a mixture of baking soda and water. Spread the paste onto the colors, allowing it to rest for a few minutes before cleaning the shoes.

Step 3: Place the shoes in a laundry bag. This will aid in safeguarding the shoes from harm while being washed.

Step 4: Add some mild detergent to the washing machine. Don’t use harsh detergents, as these can damage the shoes.

Step 5: Set the washing machine to a delicate cycle with cold water. Don’t use hot water, as this can also cause damage to the shoes.

Step 6: Start the washing machine and let the cycle finish.

Step 7: Remove the shoes from the washing machine and air dry them. Please do not put your On Cloud shoes in the dryer, which can damage them.

Can I Wash My on Cloud Shoes?

On Cloud, shoes are known for their lightweight and comfortable design, but they can also get dirty like any other shoe. The answer is yes if you’re wondering if you can wash your On Cloud shoes. However, there are a few things you need to keep in mind to avoid damaging them.

Here are some tips on how to wash your On Cloud shoes:

  • Remove the laces and insoles. This will help to prevent them from getting tangled and damaged in the washing machine.
  • Forget about any free soil or garbage. You can do this with a soft brush or a toothbrush.
  • Place your shoes in a cross-section clothing pack. This will prevent the washing machine from banging them up.
  • Clean your footwear using a gentle cycle with cold water. Use a soft detergent and avoid using fabric softener or bleach.
  • Air-dry your shoes. Please don’t put your On Cloud shoes in the dryer, as the intensity can harm them.

Here are some additional tips for washing your On Cloud shoes:

  • If your shoes are dirty, you may need to pretreat them with a stain remover. Apply the stain remover to the impacted region and allow it to sit briefly before getting over it.
  • You can always hand wash your On Cloud shoes if you have any concerns about cleaning them. To do this, fill warm water in a bucket and add a small amount of mild detergent. Soak your shoes for a few minutes, then use a soft brush to clean them. Rinse your shoes carefully with clean water and air dry them.

How do you wash shoes in the washing machine without a mesh bag?

Washing shoes in the clothes washer can be an extraordinary method for saving investment. Still, it’s essential to do it carefully to avoid damaging your shoes. If you don’t have a mesh bag, you can do a few things to protect your shoes in the washing machine.

Prepare your shoes

Before washing your shoes, it’s essential to prepare them properly. Take out the shoelaces and insoles, then sweep away any loose dirt or debris. If your boots have heavily soiled areas, you can pretreat your shoes with a mild detergent or stain remover.

Protect your shoes

If you don’t have a mesh bag, you can protect your shoes in the washing machine by placing them in a pillowcase or other soft cloth bag. This will help prevent your shoes from banging against the sides of the clothes washer and getting damaged.

Wash your shoes

Place your shoes in the washing machine with a few towels or other soft items. Moreover, this will help to cushion your shoes and prevent them from moving around too much in the washing machine. Adjust the washing machine to a delicate cycle using cold water. Utilize a gentle detergent and refrain from employing bleach or fabric softener, as they can potentially harm your shoes.

Dry your shoes

Moreover, after washing your shoes, remove them from the washing machine and put them to dry in the open air. Additionally, please do not put your shoes in the dryer. Therefore, this can cause them too much damage.

Here are some additional tips for washing shoes in the washing machine left out a mesh bag:

  • Avoid washing shoes made of delicate materials, such as leather, suede, or canvas, in the washing machine.
  • If you are washing shoes with multiple colors, use a color-safe detergent.
  • Do not overload the washing machine, as it may cause harm to your shoes.
  • Clean the washing machine after washing shoes to remove dirt or detergent residue.


Question: Could I use a cleanser to clean my On Cloud shoes in the clothes washer at any point?

-It is best to use a mild detergent to protect the fabric and color of your shoes.

Question: Can a hair dryer or heater speed up the drying process?

-It is advisable to let your shoe air dry at room temperature to prevent any potential damage.

Question: Are On Cloud shoes suitable for running in wet conditions?

-While engineered for comfort and performance, they should refrain from running in heavy rain or wet conditions to extend their durability. 

Question: How often should I clean my on-cloud shoes?

-Cleaning them regularly, especially after heavy use or when visibly dirty, is a good practice.

Question: Can I put my On Cloud shoes in a low-heat setting in the dryer?

-It is best to avoid using a dryer, even on low heat, as it can potentially damage the shoe’s structure.


In conclusion, throwing your On Cloud shoes in the washing machine may be tempting for a quick and convenient clean, but it’s essential to be careful. The manufacturer’s recommendations and guidelines should always be your primary reference when considering this option. 

In general, shoes designed for on-cloud use typically need more durability to withstand a washing machine, and attempting to do so could jeopardize their structural strength and performance features. 

All things being equal, we recommend using gentle cleaning methods such as washing your hands with soft soap and water, using a soft brush to remove dirt and stains, and allowing them to air dry.

By following these care instructions, you can help prolong the life of your On Cloud shoes and maintain their comfort and performance for many miles. Therefore, appropriate consideration and upkeep are essential to keeping your number one athletic footwear in top condition.

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