Can You Put Crocs in the Washing Machine?

The Complete Guide

Are your beloved crocs in dire need of a cleaning, but you’re not sure it’s a safe bet to throw them in the washing machine? You are not alone! Many Crocs enthusiasts wonder, “Can you put Crocs in the washing machine?” This exhaustive aide will examine the intricate details of cleaning your number one froth stops using the clothes washer strategy.

Keeping your Crocs clean is crucial to extending their lifespan and ensuring they look their best. But before you hit that wash cycle button, it’s fundamental to grasp the rules and regulations, possible dangers, and the appropriate moves to follow.

We’ll provide expert tips and guidance to help you achieve sparkling clean Crocs without compromising comfort or durability. Say goodbye to dirt and grime, and let’s explore the world of washing your Crocs correctly.

How To Safely Wash Crocs In A Washing Machine?

Crocs are a popular shoe for people of all ages, thanks to their comfort and durability. However, they can get dirty over time, especially if you wear them outdoors frequently. 

If you’re wondering how to clean your Crocs in a washing machine without damaging them, follow these simple steps:

  1. Remove any loose dirt or debris. You can do this by rinsing your Crocs under running water or brushing them with a soft brush.
  1. Place your Crocs in a mesh laundry bag. This will help protect them from banging around in the washing machine.
  1. Add a tiny amount of mild laundry detergent to the washing machine. Ignore using harsh detergents or bleach, as these can damage your Crocs.
  1. You preferred a gentle cycle on your washing machine. Ignore using hot water, as this can also damage your Crocs.
  1. Once the wash cycle is complete, remove your Crocs from the washing machine and air dry them. Ignore putting them in the dryer, as this can cause them to shrink or warp.
Can You Put Crocs in the Washing Machine

Benefits of Washing Crocs in the Washing Machine

Crocs are a popular type of footwear known for their comfort and durability. However, they can also get dirty and smelly, especially after being worn outdoors. Furthermore, washing your Crocs in the washing machine is a quick and easy way to clean them and remove any dirt, grime, or odor.

Here are some of the benefits of washing Crocs in the washing machine:

  • Convenience: Washing Crocs in the washing machine is a quick and easy way to clean them. You can toss them in the machine with a load of laundry, and they will be clean and ready to ripe in no time.
  • Effectiveness: Washing Crocs in the washing machine removes dirt, grime, and odor. The detergent and water will work together to loosen and remove any debris, leaving your Crocs looking and smelling fresh and clean.
  • Gentleness: Washing Crocs on a gentle cycle with cold water is safe and will not damage the shoes. It can help prolong your Crocs’ life by keeping them clean and free of dirt and build-up.

Can you put Crocs in the washing machine with cold water?

Yes, you can put Crocs in the washing machine with cold water. This is the recommended way to clean them. The durable material, Croslite, which is safe to machine wash, makes Crocs. However, it is essential to use the correct settings to avoid damaging your shoes.


  1. Dismiss any loose dirt or debris from your Crocs.
  2. Place your Crocs in the washing machine on a gentle cycle with cold water.
  3. Add a small amount of mild detergent.
  4. Ignore using fabric softener or bleach, as these can damage your Crocs.
  5. Once the washing cycle is complete, remove your Crocs from the washing machine and air dry them.

Common Mistakes When Washing Crocs In A Washing Machine

Meanwhile, crocs are a popular shoe type known for its comfort and durability. They are also relatively easy to clean; many people wash them in the washing machine. However, there are a few standard things that people need to correct when washing Crocs in the washing machine, which can damage the shoes or shorten their lifespan.

Using too much detergent

Only a tiny amount of detergent is necessary when washing Crocs in the washing machine. Croslite, a highly porous material, can absorb excessive detergent and is used to make Crocs. This can cause the detergent to build up in the pores of the shoes, which can make them difficult to clean and can also cause them to smell bad.

Using hot water

Wash Crocs only in cold water. Hot water can cause the Croslite material to shrink or warp, damaging the shoes. It can also cause the colors of the shoes to fade.

Not washing them separately

Generally, Crocs should always be washed separately from other items of clothing. This is because Crocs can release small pieces of plastic during the washing cycle, which can get stuck to other clothes and cause damage.

Putting them in the dryer

Do not put Crocs in the dryer. The heat from the dryer can cause the Croslite material to shrink or warp, and it can also cause the colors of the shoes to fade.

Protecting Your Shoes in the Washing Machine

Washing shoes in the washer is a convenient way to clean them, but taking steps to protect them from damage is essential. 

Here are some tips:

1. Remove the laces and insoles: This will help to prevent them from getting tangled or lost in the wash.

2. Pre-treat any heavily soiled areas: Use a mild stain remover or laundry detergent and scrub the area with a toothbrush. 

3. Place your shoes in a mesh laundry bag: This will help to protect them from banging against the washing machine and getting damaged. 

4. Wash your shoes gently with cold water: Avoid using hot water, which can blow the glue that holds your shoes together. 

5. Air-dry your shoes: Do not put them in the dryer, as this can shrink or warp them.

Is It Safe To Put Crocs In The Washer?

However, people know Crocs as a popular type of shoe that offers comfort and durability. However, they can also get dirty quite quickly. If you’re wondering whether or not it’s safe to put Crocs in the washer, the answer is yes, but there are a few things you need to keep in mind.

How to safely wash in the washing machine:

  1. Remove loose dirt or debris from your Crocs with a brush or a damp cloth.
  2. Place your Crocs in a mesh laundry bag. This will help prevent the washer from damaging them.
  3. Mix a mild detergent into the washing machine. Ignore harsh detergents or fabric softeners, as these can damage your Crocs.
  4. Fixed the washing machine to a gentle cycle and needed cold water.
  5. Once the washing cycle is complete, remove your Crocs from the laundry bag and let them air dry.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Can I wash my Crocs with other shoes in the same load?

Generally, experts do not recommend this. Washing your Crocs with other shoes can cause friction and damage to both Crocs and other shoes. It is best to wash them separately.

2. How often should I wash my Crocs?

The recurrence of washing relies on how frequently you wear them. If they start to look dirty or smelly, it’s an excellent time to wash them.

3. Can I use bleach to clean my Crocs?

No, bleach can damage the material of your Crocs. Stick to mild detergent or soapy water for cleaning.

4. Are there specific crock models that should never go in the washing machine?

Crocs with fur lining or intricate designs cannot withstand machine washing. Moreover, look at the consideration directions for your particular Crocs.

5. Can I machine wash Crocs with faux fur lining?

It is best to avoid machine washing crocs with faux fur lining, as this can damage the fur and affect the overall look and comfort of the shoes.

Can You Put Crocs in the Washing Machine


In conclusion, putting Crocs in the washing machine can be a convenient and effective way to clean these versatile shoes. Still, following the proper steps is essential to ensure they look as good as new. Remove removable components such as insoles or straps and place them in a laundry bag to prevent harm.

Moreover, helps a gentle cycle with cold water and a mild detergent to avoid possible damage to Crocs’ material. Also, avoid using bleach or harsh chemicals, which can cause discoloration and damage. Additionally, after the washing cycle, let Crocs air dry thoroughly in a well-ventilated location, away from direct sunlight.

Therefore, with proper care, your Crocs can maintain their comfort and appearance for a long time, making them a practical and stylish choice for various activities.

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